Monday, 12 September 2016

Basic Camera Angles

Shot/reverse shot:
This is a simple filming technique which is mainly used for showing 2 people in a conversation. The camera will be focused on one person talking and then cut to the other person in the conversation showing the response. An example of this is shown in spider man, which allows to focus on the person talking at the time.

Match on action
This is when we see a character do an action from a wide shot which then changes to a close up to match the action they are doing. For example, it may be a wider shot of someone walking and reaching for the handle, then changes to a close up of the action for opening the door.


180 degree rule
The 180 degree rule, meanings having to imagine there is a line which cannot be crossed. When filming it is essential that the camera man stays only within 180 degrees in the line of action where the actors. This is because if they cross 180 degrees the characters will look as if they are facing a different way. This will then confuse the audience.

Image result for 180 degree rule

Continuity editing
This is all about making sure everything follows through during the scene, basically everything is continuous. When filming things like props, costumes, actors and setting etc cannot change if they do they can lead the audience to confusion as to why an actor has changed costume part way through for example.

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