Thursday 29 September 2016

Script for preliminary

Two young girls catch up on a conversation on the first day of school. The two sit in a classroom and get very entertained. The first girl walks through the corridor (wide shot) and she calmly opens the classroom door (close up on handle) and then she walks to the table where she sees her friend (wide shot).

Establishing shot)
Girl 1: Hey, are you okay?
Shot Over the shoulder)
Girl 2: Hey, yeah am good you?
Girl 1: am fine, thanks. How was your summer holiday?
Girl 2: Oh, it was really good. I went to Spain what about you?
Girl 1: That's great! And I stayed in England, I was working all summer.
Girl 2: That's good. Well I have to go now, I will see you later.
Girl 1: Okay, see you later.
Girl 1 walks out(Wide Shot).

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