Tuesday 27 September 2016

Research into potential target audience - Primary Research

For the target audience, developing an questionnaire is essential to find out who the main target audience is and how to gain there interests. In order to find information out, i made an online questionnaire which has been posted on social media (such as Facebook), around parents workplace and school. I sent it around different areas to see what feedback i would receive and try to find out more from different age sectors rather than focusing on just one. The survey i made is presented below. 

The questions i asked weren't based around a genre, more to watch films were most popular in a genre and what made people continue watching a film based on an opening scene. In theory the results i receive from this will help me plan my opening scene and if the ideas in which i want to include will reach a target audience or if i need to rethink them.

This is the questionnaire in which i sent out:

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