Saturday 1 October 2016

Codes and Conventions within film

What are codes and conventions?

Codes are shown through 3 different ways: technical (editing, sound, lighting and camera angles etc), written (speech bubbles, caption and headings - any way in which writing can be displayed on a screen) and symbolic (the way the character will behave and act to show personality traits etc. These codes are important because they give the audience an insight into what should be expected and may happen. When it comes to the opening scene, the codes and conventions are extremely important as they help to gain interest. If the audience don't feel engaged or interested during the opening scene they will most likely not watch the rest.

All these codes make up the conventions in a film, they help link the code to the genre, for example a horror film will be expected to have the symbolic codes of being based in a basement or forest etc and the technical codes of dark lighting and quick camera movements to create tension and danger.

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