Sunday 13 November 2016


For our locations, we decided that we would base it only in 2 locations, the first being a pathway and the second being an underpass.

Road pathway:
We choose the pathway because it helps add to establish the setting. From the pathway we could see that he is in the middle of nowhere and that he is in isolation in a fielded area where no one can hear him or help him if he needs it. This in theory should help us with the danger theme we want to show. in addition, the street light also helped create a  more natural light for us when we filmed in the dark.

The underpass we used was local and after consideration of looking other places, we thought this would be the best. We decided to use this location due to it being more isolated, had lights which made it easier for us filming in the dark. Furthermore, we liked the street art which was displayed all over the underpass and whilst we considered that there might be continuity errors when filming, we still thought we could resolve the issue. We choose this area because the art helped add to the idea of the character. This being that it is considered a thing a gang would do or a type of criminal, which will help as we wanted to display our main character to be involved with that type of people. This associated more with his clothing. Moreover, it also adds to the idea of isolation and danger as it is a place where crime can easily be found, and suspense can easily be added by allowing the audience to guess what awaits him on the other side.

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