This film falls under the horror, drama and thriller genre. This is because the movie is based around a young girl who has a cure for zombies. It was recently released (23rd September 2016) with an age rating of 15. A table displaying statistics which has been recorded for the film shows that the majority of the audience are young adults based between 15-24. This is due to them being young adults and at the young ages being allowed to watch movies in this genre can be seen as an excitement and feel older being given this privilege. Furthermore, during young adulthood they are more curious about trying new things including developing themselves and finding out more about the world. They are at the age were they are seeking thrill and fear and get this through the violence, action and bazaar creature/monsters used within horror. Being a young adult they seem to get the sense of thrill easier than a full grown adult, so the unnatural images or violence can attract them whereas the older generation may be put off. In addition to this the majority of the audience will be male who do seek a cheap thrill and stereo-typically like to show that they don’t scare as easy.
In addition to this, the majority if the gender audience will 7 out of 10 times be male. This can be due to many factors being as males they like to be dare devils and adrenaline junkies and having a cheap thrill with zombies can give them the same experience. Furthermore, many boys are stereotypical known for playing games such as call of duty which can be zombie based. This in theory could be another way the companies can attract their target audience, by linking the game to a certain aspect of films which can also come in handy when advertising giving both the game and film more viewings and likability. One other common feature which will help the overall out come is the type of social class the audience falls into. For example someone who is upper class would not be seen attending a cinema nor would you stereotypically expect to be seeing a gory zombie film. However, this compared to the working class are very different. The working class are more about socializing and going out for a cheap night as a family or with a group of friends. They are the ones who will most likely get the most joy out of seeing a film which will give them the same excitement as going out to a theme park for example. This could be mainly due to it being able to allow them to experience a different view on how the world thinks and wants to show what they can do through inhumane images which to a young, working class male is attracted to.
World War Z
This compared to the movie World War Z which was released on 21st June 2013. It again is a zombie based film and is about humans V zombies allowing people to see the ultimate battle and work out who is more superior overall. It falls into the action, horror and drama genre which will attract many people from different aspects to gain more views.
From looking at the statistics of the film it again shows the popularity for the young adults aged around 15-24. There has been no child under the age of 15 to see this movie simply because the age rating of the film is 15. However, comparing to the older ages of 35+ many people appear to lose interest and this can be because either the gory doesn't appeal to them or because they simply are have grown out the effect that these movies once gave them.
The gender based percentages for this movie is more or less equal. This because it is still considered to be a genre that give men a sense of fear, but 42% of the audience was females also appeared to have viewed and enjoyed the film. In theory this could be do with the casting of the film. The actor Brad Pitt who has starred in many films but is more common with getting females attention based upon his appearance. This is another way to gain different people to view films because instead of taking one persons interests and hobbies like "the girl with all the gifts" had done, they have focused on what else they can do to grab more peoples eye who wouldn't usually be engaged by this sort of film.
All research including statistics and figure were found on
This research will affect my ideas as they both fall into my desired genre of horror. By doing this research i am able to see what common features of horror are and that by choosing different actors, story lines i.e. zombies or ghosts and who i will want my target audience to be. By comparing these two films, i have noticed that actors included can make a difference in attracting different groups, especially if someone such as Johnny Depp have starred in a variety of different films and considered a heart throb engaging with female audiences. Moreover, the main audience, no matter the content seems to aimed around 15-24 year old males, which will make me want to focus my opening scene on them. In addition, i have also noticed that the release date my have some influence on when people attend, for instance if a film is released during school terms it will be aimed more towards adults compared to these released in school holidays. Furthermore, this will also help gain viewers as more people will be able and wanting to go during this time frame.
Main Gender: Males
Main Age: 15 - 24 year olds
Main Focus: Storyline
The image above shows a collage of what 15-24 year old males would be most interested in. I have used some activities which would suite an adrenaline junkie or give a thrill to who ever wishes to take part. They are many extreme sports and which come with a sense of danger. This is something i would like to use when making my film, giving them the exact same feeling they would experience during these. In addition, i have included types of music as sound is crucial in film. I would need to be able to grab the audiences attention and keep them engaged so they watch the remainder of the film, like how music groups keep them interested to listen to more of their songs.
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